More than a decade has passed since the last version of the IUCN Red List for Carnivorous Plants was compiled and since that time, numerous new taxa have been described, previously Data Deficient taxa have been further studied in habitat and there appears to have been a radical shift in the conservation status of many taxa, thereby requiring reclassification of their conservation status according to the latest IUCN criteria. Furthermore, since the last version of the Red List was compiled, there has been a dramatic increase in unsubstantiated information about threats faced by carnivorous plants, due to rapid expansion in the use of Information Technology as a tool for communication among stakeholders with interests in carnivorous plants. Although the quality of much of this information is difficult to verify, this should make it easier to identify threatened taxa (and the specific nature of the threats they face) more effectively than was possible in the late 1990s. Much knowledge about the conservation status of remote species of Carnivorous Plants is already gathered but scattered and difficult to obtain. Maybe you have done a project on carnivorous plants for your school or at a higher academic level. Maybe you have just seen and photographed them in your wanderings around the countryside. But you may have knowledge that could be crucial to correctly assessing the conservation status of some species of carnivorous plant. Every scrap of information could be valuable and we o encourage you to sign up at the ‘Get Involved’ tab of this website where you can contribute your knowledge, or just follow our progress by receiving forthcoming Newsletters. The degree of involvement you may have is up to you. Please go to the ‘Get Involved’ tab for more information about how this works.
D. indica